A Winning Formula for OLG

A Winning Formula for OLG

When Federated Health looks at its history, we see some consistent groups who have been a part of the campaign nearly from its origins.  The folks at Ontario Lottery and Gaming are one of those groups. They have been a partner with Federated Health for 35 years...
Facts about Organ Donation

Facts about Organ Donation

According to Canadian Blood Services, in Canada, only 1–2% of people consent to organ donation and pass on, can be considered for organ donation; however, most people can be considered for tissue donation. Family or friends are always consulted...
How Do You Breathe?

How Do You Breathe?

Do you understand how your lungs work? With so many respiratory diseases around these days (COVID, flu, cough due to a cold, pneumonia and RSV), this understanding is so important. It is also vital to maximize the efficiency of your lungs which can be done with...
What is Chronic Pain?

What is Chronic Pain?

Chronic pain is pain that lasts for over 3 months and the pain is either there all the time, or it comes and goes. The World Health Organization now recognizes that chronic pain as a disease and not just a symptom of something else. According to Health Canada, nearly...