Campaign Total So Far
Our goal at the beginning of the campaign was $1.6 million – a great deal but we knew we could get it. We had a really strong first two months (plus some time in June) and so far we have raised $1,108,116.
Where has the Money Come from?
- Pledges: $1,001,358
- One Time Donations: $49,826
- Special Events: $23,377
- Lottery: $33,555
June is a big month for the campaign, and we are aiming to bring in another $500,000! We need your help to do so.
How can We Get to the Total Needed for our Charities in 2024?

FHC Lottery
June is lottery month! Tickets for the Federated Health lottery are on sale now and the lottery closes its doors for the 2024 campaign on June 24, so get your tickets soon and make sure you don’t miss your chance!
There are only 25,000 tickets available and there are 5 cash prizes up for grabs, ranging from $1,000 up to $15,000.
With tickets at merely $5, it’s a small price to pay for the chance to win $15,000! The odds of winning the grand prize are 1 in 25,000, which is much lower than other lotteries. Ticket purchasers can tune in to the Federated Health virtual wrap event on June 28 where all lottery winners will be announced. Buy your lottery tickets here and tune into the wrap event to find out if you won here.

Payroll Pledges
Payroll pledges are the heart and soul of the Federated Health Charities campaign. They are how we raise most of our donations, and they have, by far, the greatest impact on our charities.
Please read some of our past blogs (here and here) to understand the impact your monthly contributions make in the lives of chronically ailing Ontarians.
Payroll pledges take just a few minutes to register for, and they allow you to give a small amount at a time, that adds up to a significant donation at the end of the year.
Your donation automatically appears on your T4 so you can reap the tax benefits of your gift as well. There are only a few weeks left to sign up for a payroll pledge (until July 7) so we ask you to join us in our fundraising efforts and make a pledge today. Truly, no gift is too small, even a pledge of $1 or $2 per pay adds up!
You can make your pledge through WIN by clicking here or, if you aren’t on WIN, by completing the electronic pledge form and submitting it to a campaign volunteer. Thank you for joining us in our fight to ensure all Ontarians have access to the support they require, in their time of need.

The First FHC Silent Auction
We are very excited to begin our first corporate auction, which started June 5. You can start whenever you want as well as during Lunch and Learn 2 and The Wrap, our closing event. The auction will close on June 28 at 1 pm, the official end of the campaign.
You can enter your bids here:
It is referred to as the 3 Event Auction.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to touch base with us at In the subject line please reference 3Event Silent Auction.

Local Ministry Events
Please check our blog Special Events from our Ministries to see just a few of the many events being offered around the ministries.