The Tax Benefits of Donating

Apr 12, 2024

 “Is my donation eligible for a tax receipt?” A question Federated Health Charities gets all the time. For the most part, Federated Health Charities can provide an official tax receipt for $25 or more when a donor gives a voluntary gift of cash and expects nothing in return.

For example, when you give money to Federated Health Charities by making a payroll pledge through WIN, submitting a pledge form through your local campaign or making a one-time donation, you are eligible for a tax receipt.

In the chart below, you can see the difference that charitable donation tax credits make when you claim your donation receipts. Not only is giving to charity a great way to make a difference, you can also take advantage of federal and provincial tax incentives. 

If you make a donation ofYou will be eligible for a tax credit of*

*Numbers are rounded

You are also eligible for a tax receipt if you sponsor someone in a walkathon/marathon for $25 or more.

What’s the Best Way to get a Tax Receipt?

Every donation to Federated Health Charities, big or small, goes to our charities to help people and families across Ontario experiencing serious illness and life-changing health conditions. Please donate generously during the 2024 campaign.

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For general questions:

Sarah Wood
Executive Director


315 Front St. West, 5th Floor
Toronto, ON
M7A 0B8

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For general questions:

Sarah Wood
Executive Director


315 Front St. West, 5th Floor
Toronto, ON
M7A 0B8

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