A Message from the Honourary Campaign Chair, Ian Freeman – 2022 Campaign Message

Apr 15, 2022

2022 Campaign Message: The 2022 Federated Health Charities workplace giving campaign launched on Friday April 1 and is off to a strong start.Ā  As one of Canadaā€™s most successful fundraising campaigns, we have been committee to raising funds for Ontario health charities for 39 years and have raised over $52 million in total.Ā 

The Ontario Public Services History of Charitable Giving

The Ontario Public Service (OPS) has a long history of generosity and giving.Ā  We see it as one more way to serve and support our fellow Ontarians and it has always been a fundamental part of our core values as public servants.Ā  As you know, last year saw the continuation of a devastating worldwide pandemic and it was a time of fear, loss, and continued struggle.Ā  Federated Health Charities mission is to support the health of all Ontarians, as such we felt a strong sense of responsibility to do our part during this time of health crisis and have been proud to have run two very successful fundraising campaigns throughout the pandemic.Ā  To do this we have turned to our OPS colleagues and you responded generously by donating over $1.6 million.Ā  The OPS has a long legacy of being strong supporters of the Federated Health Charities campaign and this shows the compassion and dedication that you all have towards ensuring that your families, friends, and fellow Ontarians have the best possible health services available to them in their time of need.Ā  This is truly admirable.

Another Chance to donate to Health Charities

As we look to launch another campaign, I think we can all agree that the health of our province has been in jeopardy the past two years and support is still needed now more than ever.Ā  The funds raised by this campaign allow prevention, education, and awareness work to be done across the province and they allow millions of dollars to be invested in the finest research to work towards cures and improved treatments so that every person affected by one of these diseases has the best chance possible for recovery.

How We Can Invest of the Health of our Communities

The 21 charities that do this incredible work rely heavily on the funds they receive from Federated Health, especially so after the devastating financial ramifications of the pandemic.Ā  We are committed to helping our charities rebuild by providing the resources they need to support individuals and families in need, to re-establish critical programs and services, and to move forward with the fight towards better treatments and cures.Ā  Those with pre-existing health conditions have been some of the most severely affected by the pandemic and they depend on the services provided by our charities.Ā  We want to make sure those services are available to them in their time of need.Ā 

There is a Charity for Everyone

Whether it is cancer, heart disease, diabetes, autism, or mental illness, we have all been touched by at least one of these 21 illnesses or conditions.Ā  There are few of us who have not been impacted by disease in our lives and it is likely that one of these charities have played a part in supporting you or your loved ones.Ā 

Please join us in our efforts and consider a gift to Federated Health Charities.Ā  Funds raised will go to our 21 worthy charities who are doing everything they can to support those living with these devastating illnesses and to keep them safe.

Ian Freeman

Assistant Deputy Minister

Ministry of Transportation

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Why We Need Health Charities

2022 Federated Health Charities Campaign Has Launched

What is The Federated Health Campaign?

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Sarah Wood
Executive Director


315 Front St. West, 5th Floor
Toronto, ON
M7A 0B8

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For general questions:

Sarah Wood
Executive Director


315 Front St. West, 5th Floor
Toronto, ON
M7A 0B8

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