Charity Additions to Federated Health – You Asked, We Listened

Apr 13, 2021

In our efforts to continue responding to the wishes of OPS employees we brought on three new charities last year.  OPS’ers overwhelmingly requested to be able to support four different causes; Parkinson’s, multiple sclerosis, autism, and mental health.  To see how we are better supporting mental illness, read here.  The connection that many OPS’ers felt to the remaining three illnesses, with many sharing stories of how they have been touched personally by the diseases, inspired us to incorporate all three into our campaign.  Federated Health partnered with Parkinson Canada, the MS Society of Canada, and Autism Ontario to provide OPS’ers the opportunity to join the fight against these illnesses. 

What is Parkinson’s?

Parkinson’s is a neurodegenerative disease that exhibits symptoms when cells that typically produce dopamine (the chemical responsible for carrying signals between the nerves in the brain) die (Parkinson Canada, n.d.).  The most common symptoms are body tremors, slowness or stiffness, impaired balance, and muscle rigidity.

What is Autism?

Autism is a lifelong neurological disorder that impacts one’s behaviour and social interactions (Autism Ontario, n.d.), affecting how one communicates and relates to those around them.  The most prominent symptoms appear between the ages of 2-3, including inconsistent or reduced use of eye contact with those outside of the family, rarely smiling when looking at others, and not pointing to show others an object they are interested in (Autism Ontario, n.d.).

What is MS?

Multiple sclerosis is an autoimmune disease (when the immune system attacks tissues in the body) that affects the brain and spinal cord (MS Society of Canada, n.d.).  The two most common symptoms of multiple sclerosis are extreme fatigue and difficulty working (Pietrangelo, 2019). Other symptoms include lack of coordination, weakness, tingling, impaired sensation, vision problems, bladder problems, cognitive impairment, and mood changes (MS Society of Canada, n.d.).

The 2021 Federated health campaign is now underway, and you can support Parkinson Canada, the MS Society of Canada, and Autism Ontario, as well as 18 other incredible charities.  Make your donation today to support the health of Ontarians.


Autism Ontario. (n.d.). Autism spectrum disorder.

Autism Speaks Canada. (n.d.). What is autism?

MS Society of Canada. (n.d.). What is MS?

Parkinson Canada. (n.d.). Understanding Parkinson’s.

Pietrangelo, A. (2019). Understanding multiple sclerosis (MS).

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Sarah Wood
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Toronto, ON
M7A 0B8

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For general questions:

Sarah Wood
Executive Director


315 Front St. West, 5th Floor
Toronto, ON
M7A 0B8

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