Federated Health Charities runs a biannual retiree mail out campaign. If you are retiring, or have already retired, and would like to continue your support of Federated Health please fill in the information below and we will add you to our mailing list. We send out an invitation to donate in the Spring and the Winter.
By providing this information you will begin receiving our biannual mailouts. If you wish to set-up a monthly, pre-authorized credit card donation at this time please click on the checkbox below.
As a retiree, you can make one-time donations through cash, cheque or credit card. If you prefer to make a regular donation you can sign up to make monthly, pre-authorized credit card donations.

Sign up to join the campaign
By providing this information you will begin receiving our biannual mailouts. If you wish to set-up a monthly, pre-authorized credit card donation at this time please click on the checkbox below.
Looking for a longer-term way to donate?
An impactful way to help ensure the future of the organizations you support is by making a bequest. A bequest is a personal decision, a statement incorporated into your will that you wish to have a certain portion of your assets given to Federated Health Charities in your name. Making a bequest is simple. If you have already prepared your will, you can update it with a Codicil, a supplementary paragraph added to the existing will, describing your gift intentions.
A bequest is a good way to leave a legacy in this world, make a lasting contribution, and to know that your charitable interests are supported well in to the future so you can continue to make an impact on those in need.
Read here to learn more about planned giving.

For general questions:
315 Front St. West, 5th Floor
Toronto, ON
M7A 0B8
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For general questions:
315 Front St. West, 5th Floor
Toronto, ON
M7A 0B8
Follow us
© 2025 | Federated Health Charities. All rights reserved. Privacy policy. Designed by Cristhian Arevalo Leon.