Planned giving

is a way for people to donate to or continue supporting an organization after their death. The easiest way to “plan” your gift is by including a specific bequest to the organization(s) you want to support in your will.

Grandma, her daughter, and her granddaughter are hugging together, while smiling.

If you choose to make a bequest in your will, you can choose to leave Federated Health Charities a specific amount of money, or a percentage of the value of your total possessions. You make the arrangements today and Federated Health Charities will receive your gift after your death. A bequest can be a donation of cash, property, investments and securities, a life insurance policy, or the unused proportion of an RRSP. Most donations made through planned giving are eligible for a tax receipt, which can help offset inheritance taxes on your estate.

If you are interested in including a gift to Federated Health Charities in your will, we recommend discussing your plans with your financial planner, lawyer, or both so that you understand the financial and tax implications for your estate. Whatever amount you may leave for Federated Health Charities we would accept it with gratitude and distribute the funds in accordance with your will thus keeping your legacy alive.

Get in touch to discuss your plans to leave a legacy

Collage of different images from several elder people of different ethnicities hugging youths.

4 + 5 =

Our 21 member charities

Crohn’s and Colitis Canada Logo
Lung Health Foundation Logo
Sickle Cell Awareness Group of Ontario
Alzheimer Society of Ontario Logo
cystic fibrosis canada logo
Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada Logo
Spinal Cord Injury Ontario Logo
Arthritis Society Canada logo
Diabetes Canada logo
Ontario AIDS Network Logo
The Kidney Foundation Logo
Autism Ontario Logo
Heart & Stroke Logo
Ontario Federation for Cerebral Palsy Logo
canadian cancer society logo
Hemophilia Ontario Logo
osteoporosis canada logo
Canadian Liver Foundation Logo
Canadian Institute for Advancements in Mental Health Logo
Parkinson Canada logo
Autism Ontario Logo
Crohn’s and Colitis Canada Logo
Heart & Stroke Logo
Lung Health Foundation Logo
Ontario Federation for Cerebral Palsy Logo
Sickle Cell Awareness Group of Ontario
Alzheimer Society of Ontario Logo
canadian cancer society logo
cystic fibrosis canada logo
Hemophilia Ontario Logo
Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada Logo
osteoporosis canada logo
Spinal Cord Injury Ontario Logo
Arthritis Society Canada logo
Canadian Liver Foundation Logo
Diabetes Canada logo
Canadian Institute for Advancements in Mental Health Logo
Ontario AIDS Network Logo
Parkinson Canada logo
The Kidney Foundation Logo
Arthritis Society Canada logo
canadian cancer society logo
Crohn’s and Colitis Canada Logo
Diabetes Canada logo
Hemophilia Ontario Logo
Lung Health Foundation Logo
Ontario AIDS Network Logo
osteoporosis canada logo
Sickle Cell Awareness Group of Ontario
Alzheimer Society of Ontario Logo
Autism Ontario Logo
Canadian Liver Foundation Logo
cystic fibrosis canada logo
Heart & Stroke Logo
Canadian Institute for Advancements in Mental Health Logo
Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada Logo
Ontario Federation for Cerebral Palsy Logo
Parkinson Canada logo
Spinal Cord Injury Ontario Logo
The Kidney Foundation Logo
Federated Health Charities White Logo
Federated Health Charities White Logo

For general questions:

Sarah Wood
Executive Director


315 Front St. West, 5th Floor
Toronto, ON
M7A 0B8

Federated Health Charities White Logo

For general questions:

Sarah Wood
Executive Director


315 Front St. West, 5th Floor
Toronto, ON
M7A 0B8

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