News & Updates
How Do You Breathe?
Do you understand how your lungs work? With so many respiratory diseases around these days (COVID, flu, cough due to a cold,...
What is Chronic Pain?
Chronic pain is pain that lasts for over 3 months and the pain is either there all the time, or it comes and goes. The World Health...
The Trouble with Sleep
Have you ever lain awake wondering why you cannot sleep? Almost everyone will experience insomnia over a lifetime, but for some...
Why We Need to Hydrate
Everyday, we need to drink liquids. Why? Because the average human body is more than 60% water. Liquids make up: 83% of your lungs...
Financial and Event Highlights for Campaign 2024
To date we have written about ministries and what they have done during this campaign to raise funds. As well, we have talked about...
How Cancer can Affect us All
(A personal story from a young cancer sufferer) Joseph Neale’s voice is clear and soulful. So, it’s hard to believe that he has had...
Men and Mental Health
Both men and women can experience mental health problems throughout their lifetimes. But men’s mental health is an often...
Osteoporosis and How to Take Care of your Bones
Osteoporosis Canada has some handy tips on how to look after your bone health. While anyone can get osteoporosis, it is more common...
Campaign Superstars
In last week’s blog, we spoke about all the fantastic events that happened in ministries, participating provincial agencies and the...
More Appreciation Outreach from our Charities
Last week, we started presenting some of the thanks we had received from the various charities. This week, we are continuing this so...
Some Highlights from This Year’s Campaign
On June 28th we wrapped this years Federated Health campaign, and it was another great success! Not only did we do a fantastic...
A Thank You from our Charities
On June 28 the Federated Health Charities (FHC) Campaign wrapped up and we marked this occasion with a wrap celebration that was...
Appreciation messages from some of our charities
Osteoporosis Canada is grateful for Federated Health Charities and for all the volunteers who helped make this year’s campaign...
Ways You Can Keep on Giving and Stay in Touch
Donations Remember, OPS employees and OPP members can donate to Federated Health Charities via WIN until July 7, 2024....
Thoughts and Lessons from the Second Lunch and Learn
Jodi’s Story Jodi Walsh is an ODSP caseworker in the Social Assistance Program at MCCSS. As one of the main caregivers for her...
Congratulations to the 2024 Federated Health Charities’ Lottery Winners
These are the lottery winners of the 2024 Federated Health Charities lottery: $15,000 – Annette Hollinger, MCCSS, Ticket #2616 $5,000...
Spotlight on Sickle Cell Disease
What is Sickle Cell Disease? Sickle cell disease is one of a group of inherited blood disorders. It affects the shape of red blood...
A Great Big Thank You!
A great big thank you from Federated Health Charities to our 2024 campaign volunteers! The annual Federated Health campaign is over...
The Last Call
So it’s June 24 – which means there is only this week until the end of the 2024 Federated Health Charities’ campaign on the 28th. We...
Spotlight on Osteoporosis
Osteoporosis is a bone disease that develops when bone mineral density and bone mass decreases, or when the structure and...
Success to Date and Raising the Rest
Campaign Total So Far Our goal at the beginning of the campaign was $1.6 million – a great deal but we knew we could get it. We had a...
Special Events from our Ministries
Please feel free to bid at the auctions, play Trivia, buy a raffle ticket for a Raptors jersey or indulge in some fabulous meat...
Federated Health Campaign Event Excitement for June
Lots of event news for the rest of the month so get your news here and join in. These events are all being run by Federated...
Last call: Verzuz is ALMOST here!
Click here to join OPS Verzuz 5, League of Legends live at 11:30 a.m. on Wednesday, June 12, 2024. Join Federated...
The Wrap – including FHC Lottery Draw and Guest Speakers
This is it – the end of the FHC Campaign 2024. For 4 months we have worked hard to raise desperately needed funds for our 21...

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315 Front St. West, 5th Floor
Toronto, ON
M7A 0B8
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For general questions:
315 Front St. West, 5th Floor
Toronto, ON
M7A 0B8
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