Welcome to the 2024 Federated Health Charities campaign.
The past few years have been tough for organizations that rely on charitable giving to fund their programs and services, especially the smaller charities like many of those supported by Federated Health Charities. That makes the ongoing support that you, our donors, have given this campaign over its history, and the past four years in particular, even more remarkable.
Federated Health Charities is something special. Founded by members of the Ontario Public Service in 1983, 41 years later our annual campaign is still 100% supported by provincial employees. We couldn’t do it without you, our wonderful, generous, and dedicated supporters and volunteers who donate not just a portion of their hard-earned income, but their time, skills, and creativity each year to help run our campaign in ministry, agencies, and OPP workplaces across Ontario.
From the bottom of our hearts, we want to say thank you for all you have done in the past to support Federated Health Charities and ask you to please give again generously this year to support our 21 charities and the vital services they provide for people in our communities facing serious illness and life-changing health conditions.
Making a payroll pledge to support the Federated Health Charities campaign, either through WIN or by filling out a donation form and giving it to your campaign treasurer, is the best way to support our charities—it not only saves our charities money on administration costs, so your donation goes farther, but it provides our charities with a stable, predictable source of funding throughout the year that they can apply to their most pressing needs. And you don’t have to give a lot to make a difference—if everyone donated just $1 per week to Federated Health Charites, we’d raise over $3 million to support healthier communities across Ontario this year!
In the coming weeks, OPS ministries, provincial agencies, and the OPP will launch their local Federated Health Charities campaigns. If you are interested in helping with your local campaign, you can find a list of current campaign chairs on our website under Campaign Resources. You can also support Federated Health Charities by attending special events hosted by your local campaign, buying lottery tickets,—even liking and sharing Federated Health Charities content on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn and reading and sharing our blogs helps spread our message and raise awareness for our charities!
Here’s to a great campaign and healthier communities in 2024!
Sarah Wood
Executive Director
Federated Health Charities