Position: Federated Health Charities Board of Directors – Ontario Public Service Representative
Who We Are: Federated Health Charities Corporation is a coalition of provincially based charities in Ontario dedicated to raising funds for its members within the Ontario Public Service. These funds go to support health education and awareness, medical research, and client and patient services. Federated Health Charities runs an annual workplace giving campaign within the Ontario Public Service that allows employees across Ontario to support 21 health charities through payroll deductions, donations, and special events.
Responsibility: Act as a fiduciary for Federated Health Charities, guiding the organization towards sound ethical, legal, and financial policies and practices. Act as a liaison between Ontario Public Service employees and Federated Health Charities, representing the best interests of the Ontario Public Service.
Term: The term as a Director on the Federated Health Charities Board of Directors will run for two years.
Appointments: Directors will be appointed following a selection process conducted by the Federated Health Honourary Chair & Executive Director.
Approvals: Successful candidates will need to acquire approval from their Manager as the Federated Health Charities Board of Directors meets 3-5 times throughout the year, during work hours.
General Duties:
Individual board members are responsible for:
- Acting in the best interests of the organization, avoiding all conflicts of interest.
- Possessing an understanding of the organization’s mission, vision, bylaws, policies, and procedures.
- Understanding the legal and ethical obligations of being a board member.
- Upholding confidentiality expectations that pertain board discussions.
- Remaining informed of the organization’s financial status, contractual obligations, and parameters of the partnership with the Ontario Public Service.
- Offering his/her own skills, experience, and perspective to the organization, serving on committees and task forces, as required, that align with those skill sets.
- Attending board, committee, and task force meetings regularly and arrive prepared for meetings.
- Supporting, upholding, and representing board decisions once they have been voted on.
Qualifications and Skills:
- Knowledge of the health sector and a belief in the mission of Federated Health Charities.
- Ability to make the time commitment to attend all meetings and participate in all board duties.
- An understanding of the diversity of the Ontario Public Service and the province it serves.
- Ability to represent, and speak on behalf, of the employees of the Ontario Public Service.
- Knowledge of fundraising best practices.
- Strong communication skills.
- Skills in the areas of fundraising, communications, leadership engagement, volunteer management, donor stewardship, event planning and/or strategic planning.
- Experience on other non-profit boards is an asset.
Ideal Candidate: Ideal candidates will be looking to expand their professional skill set, have a passion for philanthropy, be willing to represent the voices of fellow OPS employees, and eager to participate in the success of one of the OPS’s charitable giving initiatives. This position is only open to OPS employees.
Diversity: Federated Health Charities strives to have a diverse makeup of OPS voices in decision making positions on the Board of Directors to ensure that the OPS’s charitable giving campaign, and the charities it supports, is as diverse as the population it serves. Diversity of applicants will be a part of our selection process.
Time Requirements: 18-22 hours per year.
Compensation: The role of Director is an unpaid volunteer position.
Please submit completed application form to:
Sarah Wood, Executive Director, Federated Health Charities, sarah.wood2@ontario.ca
Applications are due by Friday October 1, 2021.
Application form:
Click here to download the application form.