Arthritis Society
Check out this video from our respected charity The Arthritis Society.
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Cheryl McClellan:
We’re a national organisation, so we help Canadians all across Canada, who live with the condition and the devastating effects of arthritis, and that’s everything from childhood arthritis to osteo, as well as inflammatory arthritis.
While a lot of us think of arthritis as a disease that’s affecting the elderly, in fact, half of those who suffer with arthritis are working Canadians.
Anna Marie F:
My professional life was a large part of the definition of who I was, and I was forced out of work. The pain, my health was just so severe, I couldn’t keep up with the job. None of us is happy 100% of the time in what we’re doing, but when it’s taken away and you didn’t have the opportunity to be part of that decision, it’s devastating.
Cheryl McClellan:
All the breakthroughs in research are really critical to finding a cure for arthritis, as well as being able to help people with managing the pain of arthritis and the ongoing quality of life.
Anna Marie F:
It impacts not just what you’re feeling physically; it’s emotional, it’s psychological, taking a toll on your personal life, your professional life, social life, everything is impacted.
Cheryl McClellan:
The Arthritis Society helps by providing all sorts of information and resources and access to care.
Anna Marie F:
From pamphlets to give me information about what the disease was about, to courses to help me find ways of managing what I was facing, support groups when I got into an emotional slump, all of that I was connected to from the Arthritis Society.
So a huge help physically and emotionally.
Cheryl McClellan:
Without generous support from our donors, so many Canadians wouldn’t have access to care.
Anna Marie F:
I think that we haven’t received as much public attention as the major diseases that are out there, because it’s not terminal, but it’s still hugely important, because of the effect that it’s having on our population.
Cheryl McClellan:
We’ve been tremendously helped by Federated Health over time, because of our ability to be able to fund multi-year research studies, which makes an enormous difference in terms of the quality and calibre of research.
The fact that we’ve had multi-year funding has meant that we could commit to programs that help people year over year, and really dedicate those resources in a strategic way.
Anna Marie F:
I’m looking at the little ones in my life, who range in age from one to four, and I want them to live a life where arthritis is only part of family history. I think your dollars are well-spent, treating people who currently have arthritis, and with a significant portion going towards research, which will benefit lives in the future.

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