Scavenger Hunt (Virtual or In-Person)

Step One – Know your Audience

Knowing your audience will help you with a lot of the planning process. Is it better to have it during a lunch or will it work better after work? You can choose to keep it within your unit or local office or involve the whole Ministry.

Should it be team based, or individual? A scavenger hunt can be customized to fit your workplace culture or interests. It could include going to local area businesses or landmarks. It could also be a virtual event where certain webpages are given to the participants, and they must find an answer to a question that you posed somewhere within the page – something that would tie it into the campaign is to utilize the webpages of the 21 charities that are supported – or the topic can be something different altogether.

Step Two – Location and Date/Virtual or In-Person

Decide on how it will be rolled out. Virtual is sometimes more inclusive to remote offices or in inclement weather. In person can allow staff to interact with their community and office.

Either way you will need to set a date, time limit (start and end time), and list of things to find, or take pictures of.

Step Three – Participant Recruitment

You will want to create tickets or some form of a registration process for scavenger hunt individuals or teams to sign up for your event. It is suggested you charge between $5 and $20 per person to attend – keep it cost effective, however, remember, the more money raised, the more that goes to the cause! You want to fill the room so make sure you start promoting and getting people signed up as soon as possible.

Step Four – Sponsorship

If doing in-person, connect with local stores in the area and see if any are willing to be involved with having a clue/item that is on the list, or even to offer a cookie or drink to your participants. Perhaps they can offer a donation of a prize to the winner(s) as well. See our donation request letters here: Campaign Resources – Federated Health Charities. They may also want to donate a prize for the virtual hunt too, don’t be afraid to ask and you can also offer to mention them during the day as well. A great tie-in to add value to their donation can be take a picture at a certain store as part of the scavenger hunt list and tag the business and Federated Health with a social media post about the event.

Step Five – Create a Buzz

You can advertise on your Ministry/Agency intranet site; flyers in high traffic areas in your offices or the main lobby of your building; and through email/newsletters. If you are running your scavenger hunt event outside of work to community members, friends, and family, you can advertise in the newspaper or the location of the event.

Be sure to place the ad or poster weeks before the event to ensure maximum participation. Check for deadlines with your local publication to ensure your ad will make it in at the right time. Advertising online is also a great idea try Facebook, Twitter, Kijiji, and community pages. Be sure to include all the need-to-know details, such as date, time, address, and price. Make sure to let everyone know the proceeds from your event are supporting the 21 health related charities.

Step Six – It’s all in the Details

  • If Virtual, create your Teams group ahead of time and you can add the attendees as you collect their entrance/event fee.
    o A table to check people in as they arrive.
    o Ensure your list of items is clear, do a practice run through yourself a week or so before to make sure no changes must be accounted for.
    o If you have sponsors involved or local businesses as a item spot make sure to give them a reminder a day or two before the event as well o A donation jar for anyway who just want to donate, a QR code to link to lottery sales.
    o Your Special Event funds can be collected via the Federated Health Charities Special Event link found here: How to donate – Federated Health Charities.
    o Take some pictures with you and colleagues having some fun at your event and send them to Federated Health Charities to share your successful event with others.
    o The winner (or winning team) will be the fastest to complete the list, or if virtual submit the list and have it be correct.

Step Seven – Add it Up!

If you started with a float, anywhere make sure to take it out and then add it all up and see how you did. There is a budget template included. Arrange with your Treasurer to have the money recorded and deposited.

If you want to make your online scavenger hunt Federated Health themed, here are some sample questions about our 21 charities.

ALS Canada – ALS Society of CanadaWhat percentage of individuals with ALS have a family history of the disease?10%

FactSheets-Portfolio-2022- EN.pdf (
Alzheimer Society of OntarioWhat date did the Canadian government release the country’s first ever national dementia strategy?June 17 2019

Meaningful engagement of people living with dementia | Alzheimer Society of Canada
Home | Arthritis Society CanadaHow much did the Arthritis Society invest in research last year?$6.2 million

Top 10 Arthritis Society Canada-funded Research Advances of 2023 | Arthritis Society Canada
Home | Autism OntarioAs of March 2018, what was the prevalence rate of youth ages 5-17 being diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder in Canada?1 in 66

About Autism | Autism Ontario
Canadian Cancer Society | Canadian Cancer SocietyWhat are the 3 main treatment types?Surgery, Chemotherapy, Radiation Therapy

Treatment types | Canadian Cancer Society
Canadian Liver Foundation Home - Canadian Liver FoundationHow many liver transplantation operations for liver failure in Canada are done every year?More than 400 every year

Transplants - Canadian Liver Foundation
Home - Crohn’s and Colitis Canada ( 2 diet options in children with IBD are supported by randomized controlled trials?Exclusive Enteral Nutrition & Crohn’s Disease Exclusion Diet

Types of Diets in IBD - IBD Journey - Diet and Nutrition - Types of Diets in IBD (
Cystic Fibrosis CanadaWhat Is the common test a doctor would administer if they suspect a patient has CF?“Sweat test”

About cystic fibrosis
Canada needs a nation- wide diabetes strategy now - Diabetes CanadaRoughly what percentage of people living with diabetes have type 1 (insulin dependent)?10%

Type 1 diabetes - Diabetes Canada
Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada | HomeSince 1952, what percentage has the death rate from heart disease and stroke declined in Canada?75%

Where every dollar goes | Heart and Stroke Foundation
Hemophilia Ontario -An inherited bleeding disorder communityWhat 2 Northern Ontario cities have a Hemophilia Treatment Centre?Thunder Bay & Sudbury

Recognized Hemophilia Treatment Centres - Hemophilia Ontario
Institute for Advancements in Mental Health - I am mental health ( is the phone number to call to speak to a counsellor?1-855-449-9949

Institute for Advancements in Mental Health - I am mental health (
Lung Health Foundation - Helping Canadians Breathe EasierLung Health Coaches re also CRE’s – what does CRE stand for?Certified Respiratory Educator

My Lung Health Coach - Lung Health Foundation
MS CanadaWhat are the 2 MS experimental Treatments listed?Chronic cerebrospinal
venous insufficiency
(CCSVI) & Hyperbaric
oxygen chamber

Experimental Treatments & Treatments in Development | MS Canada
Ontario AIDS Network – Learning, Leadership & AdvocacyIn what year was the Ontario Aids Network started?1986

The OAN – Ontario AIDS Network
OFCP - Ontario Federation For Cerebral Palsy - Charitable OrganizationWhat is the maximum funding available through the Life Enriching Activity Fund?Up to $1000

Funding - OFCP - Ontario Federation For Cerebral Palsy
Osteoporosis CanadaWhat vitamin assists with calcium absorption?Vitamin D

Nutrition | Osteoporosis Canada
Home - Parkinson CanadaWhat is the most common early non-motor symptoms of Parkinson’s disase?Depression

Symptoms of Parkinson's - Parkinson Canada
Sickle Cell Awareness Group of Ontario ( is the date of World Sickle Cell Day?June 19th

World Sickle Cell Day - Sickle Cell Awareness Group of Ontario (
Spinal Cord Injury Ontario | Supporting and advocating for and with people with a disability. - Home ( is the name of the online education centre?Cortree Disability Education Centre

Cortree Disability Education Centre - Spinal Cord Injury Ontario | Supporting and advocating for and with people with a disability. (
Kidney Foundation - The Kidney Foundation of Canada - Home PageWhere is there summer camp located?Dorset, Ontario

Kidney Foundation - The Kidney Foundation of Canada - Summer Camps

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For general questions:

Sarah Wood
Executive Director


315 Front St. West, 5th Floor
Toronto, ON
M7A 0B8

Federated Health Charities White Logo

For general questions:

Sarah Wood
Executive Director


315 Front St. West, 5th Floor
Toronto, ON
M7A 0B8

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