First out the gate: Meet Kingston’s Multi-Ministry Federated Health Charities

Feb 18, 2025

The Kingston multi-ministry “Meet the Neighbours” BBQ Organizing Committee has launched fundraising efforts for their annual Federated Health Charities (FHC) event, set for June 19, 2025, by selling 50/50 tickets. This beloved community event is led by Sheena Price, Randy Johnston (TBS), Tara van Herpt (MCCSS), and Dave Stokes (MPBSDP), who have been organizing it for years.

shown in photo (l-r) Dave Stokes, , Sheena Price, Tara van Herpt, and Randy Johnston.

Tara van Herpt praises the team’s dedication: “They work very hard off the side of their desk to put on the event year after year. As I write this, it’s February and we’re already working on June’s ‘Meet the Neighbours’ bash. Sheena, Randy, and Dave help pull everything together, and without them, it wouldn’t be possible. It’s a ton of work, and I am forever grateful to them for their help.”

The event aims to foster inter-ministry collaboration and raise funds for FHC, the OPS’s health charities campaign which supports 21 health organizations. By keeping costs low—offering a burger, salad, drink, and chips for just $5—and incorporating a bake sale, draws, raffles, games, and live music, the BBQ creates an engaging atmosphere that encourages colleagues to mingle and reconnect while fundraising for Ontario’s health charities.

The city-wide event has grown with participation from OPS, OPP, and other provincial government agencies, support from local businesses, and even the Coast Guard. Local band Freaks n’ Geeks and musician Carrick McAllister have kept things rocking in past years. Tara adds, “All the ministries in the complex participate – MMAH, MLTSD, MNFR, SOLGEN, MPBSDP, TBS, MCCSS, OMAFRA, BGIS, plus other ministries like MTO and Service Ontario whose offices are located in other parts of the city. Last year, OPS retirees, the building cleaning crew, and even people out walking their dogs in the complex attended!”

In 2024, four Assistant Deputy Ministers from the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services (MCCSS) planned a regional meeting around the event to participate. The committee is committed to creating a welcoming environment, keeping attendees engaged with music, games, and opportunities to socialize, ensuring that people come for lunch and stay for the entire event.

Volunteers are crucial to the event’s success, handling logistics, communications, donations, setup, takedown, and overseeing various activities. BGIS Real Property Services and MMAH donate the BBQs, and summer students assist before, during, and after the event. Brian Mabee from BGIS, who served as the town crier last year, ensures the buildings are unlocked early for setup and provides parking and traffic cones for pedestrian safety.

To encourage sustainability, attendees who bring their own plates and cutlery receive a free raffle ticket, reducing waste and ensuring more funds go directly to the charities. The committee also runs 50/50 draws in advance to maximize donations, ensuring all money raised at the BBQ goes to Federated Health Charities.

The “Meet the Neighbours” BBQ is not just a fundraiser; it’s a community-building event that brings together colleagues from different ministries, fosters inter-ministry collaboration, and supports health charities. The committee’s dedication and innovative approaches have made it a cornerstone of culture and engagement in Kingston’s OPS ministry offices.

For more information or to purchase 50/50 tickets, please contact a member of the Kingston multi-ministry “Meet the Neighbours” BBQ Organizing Committee.

Tickets: $2 each, 3 for $5, or 10 for $10. Ticket numbers will be emailed to you as the draw will be completely virtual.

Draw dates: February 28, and March 14, 2025

Payment: Please eTransfer before 12 p.m. on the Friday of the draw to (no password required). In the notes, include your name as listed in the GAL, ministry, and verify the amount of tickets you are purchasing.

On behalf of Federated Health Charities Corporation and its 21 member charities, we thank you for your continued financial support of health education, medical research, and patient services across Ontario. Your generosity truly makes a difference.

From the Desk of the Executive Director: Individual giving, collective impact.

From the Desk of the Executive Director: Individual giving, collective impact.

Individual Giving, Collective Impact. That’s the theme for our 2025 campaign, and I couldn’t be more excited to share it with you! For the past 11 years, I’ve had the privilege of leading this incredible campaign. If you’ve seen me at events, you know how passionate I am about Federated Health and its foundation in individual giving.

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For general questions:

Sarah Wood
Executive Director


315 Front St. West, 5th Floor
Toronto, ON
M7A 0B8

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For general questions:

Sarah Wood
Executive Director


315 Front St. West, 5th Floor
Toronto, ON
M7A 0B8

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