Falls are the leading cause of injury-related hospital stays among older adults in Canada, with about 30% of those aged 65 and older falling at least once a year. They also represent a significant risk for children aged 0 to 14.
Fall Prevention Month encourages organizations to unite efforts, share evidence-based information, and raise awareness about preventing falls across all ages. Falls can result in serious injuries, but many can be prevented.
Osteoporosis Canada emphasizes the importance of assessing fracture risk not just through bone mineral density tests but also by understanding what how you can reduce your risk of falling with the suggestions below:
- Work with a physical therapist to begin an exercise program that includes weight-bearing, strength training, and balance exercises.
- Because most fall happen at home, remove trip hazards, ensure good lighting, wear non-skid shoes, keep floors clear, and wipe up spills.
- Ask your doctor or pharmacist if your medications increase your fall risk.
- Stay up to date with your regular medical, vision, and hearing tests.
- Use canes, walkers and other mobility aids to help with your stability.

The Too Fit to Fracture program offers additional evidence-based recommendations to help reduce the risk of fractures:
- Do exercises that challenge balance, improve stability and coordination.
- Do exercises that improve muscle strength and support for your bones.
- Practice spine-safe movements during physical activities.
- Stay active with activities like yoga, Pilates, walking, dancing, or jogging.
* Remember, these activities should complement, not replace, balance and muscle-strengthening exercises. Always be mindful of fall risks and ensure safe movement practices during all physical activities.
Osteoporosis Canada is a trusted partner and one of the 21 charities your Federated Health donations support. When you donate, one of the areas your dollars support is important research, awareness, and resources like the ones mentioned, to support your bone health and reduce your risk of falling. To support these and other types of important work, donate to Osteoporosis Canada today.
Too Fit to Fracture https://osteoporosis.ca/wp-content/themes/yootheme/cache/1e/Screen-Shot-2024-05-03-at-1.39.33-PM-1ea509c0.webp