As a result of advancements in research and awareness, Autism, once understood as a childhood neurodevelopmental condition is increasingly being assessed in adulthood too. Simply stated, how we communicate and relate to others and the world around us is potentially linked to our unique place on the autism spectrum.
Meet Dr. Evdokia Anagnostou, a prominent leader in autism research, committed to improving the lives of individuals on the autism spectrum. In Autism Ontario’s webinar Diversity of the Autistic Brain, learn how lived experience perspectives are used to develop interventions and advance research. As Vice President of Research and Director of the Bloorview Research Institute, she leverages her extensive expertise to focus on enhancing outcomes for children, youth, and adults with autism and related neurodevelopmental conditions.
It is through groundbreaking research like that conducted by Dr. Anagnostou that has made advancements in assessments for autism in adulthood as increasingly common, thanks to expanded diagnostic criteria and growing awareness. Receiving an autism diagnosis can be a profoundly validating experience, helping individuals gain a deeper understanding of themselves and their unique perspectives. This newfound insight often opens doors to tailored support and resources, empowering adults on the spectrum to enhance their quality of life and embrace their strengths.
Autism Ontario engages with research that align with its mission of fostering a supportive and inclusive Ontario for individuals with autism. One key initiative is the hosting of a Research Participation Postings list, which connects members of the autism community with actively recruiting studies. Additionally, Autism Ontario collaborates with key research partners on action-oriented projects and conducts provincial surveys to shape priorities and inform advocacy efforts. Through these initiatives, the organization not only supports external research but also plays a vital role in advancing understanding and improving outcomes for the autism community.

Autism Ontario provides resources to assist people in their search for a qualified provider, but does not “endorse any specific therapy, product, treatment, strategy, opinions, service, or individual. Autism Ontario strongly believes that it is important to do your own research and make your own informed decisions.”Autism Ontario is a trusted partner and one of the 21 charities your Federated Health donations support. When you donate to Autism Ontario, one of the areas your dollars support is important research, awareness, and resources to support your path forward.  To support this and other types of important work, donate to the Autism Ontario today.