Spinal Cord Injury Ontario (SCIO) & World Spine Day

Oct 16, 2024

World Spine Day

Following a devastating car accident that left him paralyzed, life for 22-year-old Benjamin Kwarteng changed forever. A client of Spinal Cord Injury Ontario, Benjamin has benefited directly from Federated Health Charities donations.

Your Federated Health dollars do so much for agencies and individuals who rely on our annual campaigns.  “Without your support, a lot of us would fall through the gap. I did receive support [for my wheelchair] because without that, I would not be able to be mobile. For example, the price of my wheelchair is about $52,000. It helps me strengthen my bones. It helps me increase my blood flow. It helps me with my bowel and bladder function.” says Benjamin. “Without your support, it would be virtually impossible to contribute to society and be as independent as I choose to be.”

You can get to know Benjamin, hear about his entrepreneurial accomplishments, and learn how companies like Air Canada have enlisted him to experience global travel firsthand as an individual with a spinal cord injury, to reduce (and one day, eliminate) barriers so that everyone can live a truly inclusive life, reach their goals and achieve their dreams. Benjamin’s 4-part video series (watch him experience the ocean in Jamaica using a specialized wheelchair) is a testament to inspiration, hope and the importance of having help in our lives. The support Benjamin received from Spinal Cord Injury Ontario has played a significant role in that, as have all who donated to Spinal Cord Injury Ontario through Federated Health.  Thank you for your help through your generous donations.

In recognition of World Spine Day 2024, Federated Health Charities and Spinal Cord Injury Ontario would like to thank you for over 40 years of generous support. Spinal Cord Injury Ontario offer programs that are open to all.  For SCIO events or workshops in a community close to you check out: Events – Spinal Cord Injury Ontario | Supporting and advocating for and with people with a disability. (sciontario.org)

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Female-led research in diagnosing cancer using Artificial Intelligence

Female-led research in diagnosing cancer using Artificial Intelligence

Discover how Federated Health Charities supports groundbreaking cancer research through the Canadian Cancer Society. Dr. April Khademi, a biomedical engineer from Toronto Metropolitan University, is leading innovative efforts to improve breast cancer diagnosis using artificial intelligence, making treatment decisions more accurate and personalized. Learn how AI is revolutionizing cancer care and how your donations contribute to vital research in Ontario.

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Mental Health and The Institute for the Advancement in Mental Health (IAM)

Mental Health and The Institute for the Advancement in Mental Health (IAM)

Mental health awareness in Ontario is crucial as wait times for services stretch up to 2.5 years. Federated Health Charities supports innovative mental health initiatives, including youth suicide prevention and schizophrenia care. By funding organizations like the Institute for Advancements in Mental Health (IAM), we aim to create lasting change and support for those affected by mental illness across Ontario.

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For general questions:

Sarah Wood
Executive Director


315 Front St. West, 5th Floor
Toronto, ON
M7A 0B8

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For general questions:

Sarah Wood
Executive Director


315 Front St. West, 5th Floor
Toronto, ON
M7A 0B8

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