A great big thank you from Federated Health Charities to our 2024 campaign volunteers! The annual Federated Health campaign is over except for the final count, and we could not have raised the funds without the enthusiastic hard work of all our volunteers. It takes hundreds of people to run a fundraising campaign like ours, and our full-time staff of two plus our two seconded “volunteers” could never do it alone. That is why we are so grateful to our volunteers from the OPS, OPP and provincial agencies across Ontario, many of whom come back year after year.
The annual Federated Health Charities campaign is one of Canada’s largest workplace fundraising campaigns. Our campaign reaches out to more than 60,000 provincial employees from government ministries, agencies and the OPP.

It’s amazing to think that Federated Health Charities and the tradition of charitable fundraising in the Ontario Public Service has been happening every year for more than 41 years, and that when we have asked for volunteers, “our people” have stepped up and volunteered their time, skills and passion to help run the campaign, in addition to their regular responsibilities. In good times and bad, in the middle of elections and global pandemics, our volunteers have always been there for Federated Health Charities and for the people and families who depend on the 21 charities we represent.

That’s why we want to say THANK YOU to all our volunteers. And whom does that include?
- Thank you to our chair and executive teams
- Thank you to all the divisional, regional and branch leads
- Thank you to all the event organizers
- Thank you to everyone who baked, cooked and ordered all the delicious foods and for making it so different (and so the same) every year
- Thank you to everyone who donated things to different auctions and also those who reached out into the community to solicit goods. And to those who worked so hard to set up the auctions.
- Thank you for your enthusiasm, your hard work, and most of all, your heart. When we say that Federated Health Charities is “the heart of the OPS”, it’s the people we’re talking about – our kind and generous volunteers who make our campaign happen each year.
- Finally a special thank you to Damion and Rob for once again producing a fun and fantastic Verzuz for everyone to enjoy. May it return in 2025 so Nosa Enos-Brown can defend her title.
- And a super special thank you to our graphic designer, Cristhian, who does such an amazing job with new artwork for the social, blogs, posters, events, etc.
Thank you to everyone who took part in the 2024 Federated Health Charities Campaign for another great year! We couldn’t have done it without you.