FHC Blog – Congratulations Lottery Winners

Jun 29, 2023

Congratulations to the winners of the 2023 Federated Health Charities lottery:

  • Beth Brownson, MNRF – 1st Prize – $15,000
  • Corine Johnston Hallahan, OMAFRA – 2nd Prize – $5,000
  • Todd Paterson, MOH – 3rd Prize – $3,000
  • Twila Chambers, MPBSD – 4th Prize – $1,000
  • Song Sananikone, MPBSD – 5th Prize – $1,000

Thank you to everyone who bought lottery tickets. Lottery sales go directly to supporting Federated Health Charities’ 21 charities and the work they do to improve the health and quality of life for people and families across Ontario.

Remember, OPS employees and OPP members can donate to Federated Health Charities via WIN until July 9, 2023.

Agency employees can donate to Federated Health Charities by filling out an electronic form (in English or French) and emailing it to your campaign treasurer (if you have questions about how to fill out your payroll pledge form, please email Federated Health Charities).

If every OPS, OPP and agency employee committed to giving $52 through a payroll pledge – that’s just $2 per paycheque! – we would raise more than $3.1 million ($52 x 60,000+) for our 21 charities this year!

So please, donate to Federated Health Charities today.

Federated Health Charities: one donation – 21 ways to make a difference.

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For general questions:

Sarah Wood
Executive Director


315 Front St. West, 5th Floor
Toronto, ON
M7A 0B8

Federated Health Charities White Logo

For general questions:

Sarah Wood
Executive Director


315 Front St. West, 5th Floor
Toronto, ON
M7A 0B8

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