We have come to the close of the 2022 Federated Health Charities campaign, and it was certainly a memorable one!
To Our Volunteers:
This year’s campaign occurred during a time when there were a lot of important things going on. Devastating world issues that need our attention and support, a provincial election that occupied our minds, and a considerable time of transition as OPS’ers navigated returning to the workplace. There were many reasons to bow out of this year’s campaign, but you didn’t. Dedicated OPS employees come forward, year-after-year to give their time and efforts to this campaign, so it should not come as a surprise to us that this year was no different, but we were blown away, nonetheless. You all brough enthusiasm, commitment, and a lot of heart to this cause when you had so much else on your plates and we thank you for that. We truly have the best supporters within the OPS.
Whether you led a campaign, ran an event, encouraged your colleagues to donate, or any of the other countless jobs that are required to make this campaign happen, we sincerely thank you.
Our Accomplishments:
Today marks the end of the campaign, but there is still activity occurring across the province from committed volunteers. We are still seeing pledges come in and events occurring. So, we look forward to sharing our final totals later in the summer when we have been able to collect all fundraised dollars. But we could not have this event today without celebrating the incredible work done so far by all of you.
At this time, all of your efforts have brought in $1,410,636!
We are thrilled with this total so far and are excited to see what the final totals look like. This is going to make such a huge difference to the work of our incredible charities.
Lottery Winners:
The Federated health lottery is one of the most popular components of the campaign and we are pleased to announce the winners for the 2022 draw: