How COVID-19 Has Impacted Federated Health’s Member Charities

Mar 30, 2021

First and foremost, we would like to say an enormous thank you to our OPS donors for contributing to a very important campaign last year.  Our campaign launched just as the pandemic broke and the health of our province was at-risk.  The populations served by the charities we support are some of the most vulnerable and at high-risk for COVID-19 infection due to compromised immune systems, increased susceptibility to infections and complications, and highly compromised lung functions.  In a time when many not-for-profits were struggling to fundraise the Federated health campaign managed to raise over $1.4-million and that was because of all of you.  Your generosity has always been meaningful, but it was especially so last year.  We thank you for standing with us and sharing our commitment to the health of our communities. 

As we look to launch another campaign, I think we can all agree that the health of our province has been in jeopardy this past year and support is needed now more than ever.  These charities have always relied on our support, but the need is drastically increased due to the overwhelming increases to demands for their services by vulnerable patients and communities due to the pandemic.

For our charities, working to ensure their clients have what they need to enable them to stay healthy, safe and mentally well has taxed their resources while, at the same time, fundraising events and revenue sources have been extremely compromised, if not eliminated at this time.  The financial ramifications of the virus have been devastating and our charities have been hit hard, with some having their budgets cut by up to 70%.  This is resulting in these charities needing to make something out of nothing.  To come up with ways to provide in-demand, critical supports to those at-risk and most vulnerable when their resources are becoming more and more depleted. 

We always say that health affects us all, each and every one of us, and that has become more and more evident in light of current circumstances.  We are committed to our responsibility to do our part.  The campaign kicks-off on April 1 and we ask that you please join us in our efforts and consider a gift to Federated Health Charities.  Funds raised will go to our 21 worthy charities who are doing everything they can to support those living with these devastating illnesses and to keep them safe.

If you would like to support the health of Ontarians, you can donate to Federated Health Charities

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For general questions:

Sarah Wood
Executive Director


315 Front St. West, 5th Floor
Toronto, ON
M7A 0B8

Federated Health Charities White Logo

For general questions:

Sarah Wood
Executive Director


315 Front St. West, 5th Floor
Toronto, ON
M7A 0B8

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