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Gender Inequality in Healthcare

Gender Inequality in Healthcare Women Patient Support and Access Challenges

Gender inequalities in healthcare refers to the inequitable access, care and outcomes based on one’s gender.  Women experience increased barriers and decreased access and outcomes, comparative to men.  Systemic health inequities occur based on gender, race, age, and sexuality, just to name a few, and today we are going to highlight what some of those inequities have looked like for women.

This is just a small snapshot of the gender-based inequities women experience when accessing, or providing, healthcare.  When intersecting identities are considered, such as race and sexuality, the inequities get even worse.  Federated Health Charities acknowledges the systemic health equities that exists and strives to be a part of the education, awareness and funding support needed to work towards greater health equity for all.

Reference sources include: 

The Conversation: Canada’s health-care crisis is gendered: how the burden of care falls to women

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