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Seniors and emergencies

Seniors and emergencies

(This blog is based on a very useful article produced by the Ontario government’s emergency management group.)

An emergency situation or an evacuation can be a frightening and confusing time. It is important that seniors are educated about:

Emergency kits for seniors

In addition to the basic emergency kit, it is essential that seniors being evacuated during emergencies take all medical or assistive equipment or devices they may need with them.

An emergency kit includes the basic items every individual should keep in an easy-to-reach place. In addition to basic emergency kits, it is essential that seniors also take their personal devices such as walkers, as well as any other equipment or devices they may need immediately.

These items may include:

Emergency plan

Part of being prepared for an emergency involves developing an emergency plan. Plans should consider the following:

Dos and don’ts when assisting seniors

Seniors in high-rise buildings

High-rise buildings present unique challenges when evacuating. Residents should make themselves aware of the following:

Seniors in high rises should create a buddy system with neighbours and regularly practice an emergency response plan together.

If seniors have any life sustaining equipment/apparatus, they will need an emergency backup plan that will ensure the equipment is operable in the event of a power outage.

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