Site icon Federated Health Charities

Donation Impact – What your Contributions Do | Part 2

donations to health charities in ontario

All contributions, big or small, make an impact on the 21 charities that are supported under the Federated Health banner.

What do Contributions Impact?

Contributions impact all areas that charities support including:

How is this reflected among the different charities in terms of donations?

Canadian Cancer Society

They offer an extensive support system for people with cancer and their family, friends, and caregivers.

Programs and services include:

Donations make a difference in the fight against cancer:

Canadian Liver Foundation

CLF funds all forms of liver disease research and are the only national charity in Canada that does. As well, they offer programs and services for people with liver problems including:

Donations make a difference in fighting liver disease:

Cystic Fibrosis Canada

CF Canada supports programs and services such as:

Donations are invaluable.

Institute for Advancements in Mental Health (IAM)

IAM offers programs and services such as:

To contribute directly to these services, a donor can choose any or all of the following options:

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