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Donation Impact – What your Contributions do | Part 1

Federated Health Charities impact on Ontario's health

All contributions, big or small, make an impact on the 21 charities that are supported under the Federated Health banner.

What do Contributions Impact?

Contributions impact all areas that charities support including:

How is this reflected among the different charities in terms of donations?

ALS Society of Canada

ALS Canada receives no core funding from any level of government to support their work. The generosity and commitment of thousands of donors, fundraisers, corporate donors and foundations who provide vital financial support makes their work possible. 

Alzheimer’s Society of Canada

Every gift they receive stays in local communities; there are 26 Alzheimer societies throughout Ontario and each of the 26 provides specialized programs for local populations. One of the newest programs is “Taking Control of Our Lives” — an 8-week group education outreach focused on empowering and supporting people living with dementia and reducing the stigma associated with the condition.

Arthritis Society Canada

Arthritis Society Canada provides not only accessible virtual programs, but also a variety of in-person services, including their camp program for kids with arthritis. The Society was able to invest a remarkable $6.2M in research in 2023, compared to $3.6M in 2021, an inspiring 80% growth. They also reached 3.2M Canadians with trusted information in more than 3,045 communities.

Autism Ontario (AO)

The work they do helps all autistic individuals and families. They provide access to meaningful supports, information, and connections so, for their whole life, people with autism are equitably and seamlessly supported to reach their full potential and participate fully in their communities. To do this, AO provides a range of services including:

We will continue to explore how donating to Federated Health makes a huge impact on all the charities who participate. So, stay tuned for new blogs with comment from some of the other charities over the coming weeks.

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