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Job Offer – Request for Proposals Leadership Governance Consultant

Job Offer – Request for Proposals Leadership Governance Consultant

Issued by: Federated Health Charities
Federated Health Charities Representative: Sarah Wood, 437-925-6227.
Date: August 1, 2022


About Federated Health Charities 

Federated Health Charities began in 1983 when members of the Ontario Public Service (OPS) created their own campaign to allow them to contribute to health charities in the same way they were able to contribute to social service agencies through the United Way campaign – chiefly through payroll deduction, donations, as well as through participation in special events. Since the United Way campaign ran in the fall, Federated Health became a spring campaign, currently running from the beginning of April to the end of June. 

Federated Health Charities was run under the aegis of the Ontario Government Employees Charity Trust by staff seconded from the OPS, until the administration of the annual campaign devolved to the member charities, at the government’s request, with the hiring of part-time staff for the 1996 campaign. A full-time Executive Director was hired in November 1997, and a full-time Campaign Administrator in January 1998. The Ontario Government Employees Charity Trust continued to report campaign revenues under its Charitable Registration Number until Federated Health received its own in 1998. 

Our Mission 

Federated Health Charities is a coalition of provincially based charities in Ontario dedicated to raising funds for its members within the Ontario Public Service that will support health education and awareness, medical research, and client and patient services. 

The Federated Health Charities Campaign is a workplace charitable campaign that allows members of the OPS across Ontario to provide funding support to 21 health charities (found here) through payroll deductions, donations, and special events. OPS staff have donated over $52 million in 38 years, making this one of Canada’s most successful workplace campaigns and one that’s become vital to our member charities. 


Governance Structure 

Federated Health Charities is comprised of 21 charities that have representation on the Board and 6 representatives from the OPS. Funded agencies direct the selection of Board members, and there is no board policy or written direction for the nomination of board member or terms. The strategic recruitment of board members to ensure a diversity of skill sets or representation and leadership of Indigenous, racialized, disabled, etc., communities is a challenge. 

The Federated Health Charities board has Executive roles that rotate based on a two-year term. Funded agency Board seats are segmented into five tiers based on agency size and revenue. Each tier has a member of the Board appointed to an Executive role to ensure all tiers are represented. 

Anti-Racism and Anti-Oppression 

Effective Anti-Racism and Anti-Oppression (AR/AO) work requires a holistic approach, internal leadership, participation, and external support and expertise. The Federated Health Charities board has not meaningfully embedded equity and inclusion practice in its governance or articulated its commitment to Truth and Reconciliation, anti-racism, etc. In addition, the 21 member charities are at different stages of AR/AO work. There are a variety of factors that impact whether charities have begun to look at systemic change within their organization, from leadership, budget, to lack of knowledge etc. 


1. The size and structure of the Board create inefficiencies and challenges. A 20+ member board is not sustainable, and an appropriate balance between funded agencies and OPS representation has not been achieved. 

2. The present structure creates conflicts of interest as each Board Member represents their respective charity and therefore must play a dual role as a board member and funding recipient. 

3. The present governance structure makes it difficult to strategically recruit Board members and ensure a diversity of skill sets and representation. 

4. The Federated Health Charities board has not articulated a commitment to AR/AO in its policies and by-laws and there are no significant links between AR/AO/health equity and Federated Health Charities governance.


Project Deliverables 

  1. Review the current composition of the Board (a) in the context of the mandate of the Federated Health Charities board, and (b) through an AR/AO/health equity lens: 
    •  Recommend a revised structure(s), including policies, procedures, and timelines; the governance model needs to include an AR/AO and health equity lens that reflects the mandate of Federated Health Charities – i.e., core province-wide health issues/health equity. 
    • Develop new by-laws, board structure, recruitment, eligibility, etc., that include AR/AO perspectives.
  2. Identify effective AR/AO and health equity work across the member organizations to: 
    • Support Federated Health Charities to become a learning organization regarding AR/AO, inclusion, Truth and Reconciliation, etc. 
    • Support for funded organizations to develop a community of practice re: AR/AO, inclusion, Truth and Reconciliation, etc.  
  3. To inform and advance this work, the consultant should:
    • Facilitate discussions with the entire Board about the scope of this work and future goals/objectives.
    • Engage with funded organizations and other stakeholders to determine effective/wise practice. 
    • Consider wise practice in federated fundraising organizations in this area – especially those operating in Canada, those with a regional (province-wide) mandate, and those who have intentionally worked to create equitable governance and programming frameworks. This includes accountability requirements for funded organizations. 
    • Note: recommendations to be provided in the context of Truth and Reconciliation 


Desired Outcomes 

A governance model that includes: 


Criteria for Selection 

The following criteria will be used as minimum requirements to assess proposals and build a pool of appropriate candidates: 

*Joint applications are welcome. 


Responses to the RFP 

Respondents are welcome to submit clarifying questions on any of the above information. Please limit proposals to five to ten pages and include the following: 



This project comes with a budget of $15,000 – $30,000. Proposals with a budget above $30,000 will not be considered. 

Timelines and Milestones 

To be determined with the successful candidate. 

Submission Deadline 

Responses should be submitted to Sarah Wood at by 5:00 pm on August 31st, 2022. 

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